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TAKE PICTURES or take pictures?

If you do not know, I love taking photos to other people, but also I got pictures of landscapes.
What is the meaning of this title? This question can be doing from you to me, but, I ask you:
Do you like taking photos? If you answer is right, You take the a pic, or the pic is taken by the camera for you? Think it just a second.
My answer is clear, I take pics, I mean, I not only turn on the camera, press the button and than see my results, before each photo the are a lot of things that you have to keep in mind if you want to be beyond other people that say:"I am phographer, look my new camera" and they have bought it the last week.
Talking about all the things and techniques about photography , you will never know all about this term, neither me nor the most professional photographers, you will always learn something new. But I think that you will get you own style by working and working. That is the only way to get what you want.

People usually contact me, they said that they want to have pictures taken for some social networks or other terms(social networks is the first reason why they contact me). Each phographer have his own way to capture the moment, the scene, the model.
If I want to take photo to myself I usually talk with other photographeres and we meet to take pictures to each other, If I did not find other mate to help me, I would take  a tripod and I will take pictures to myself by my own, It is not as hard as it looks.

Well, finally I want to express what is the photography for me.
Taking photos is a way to expres what I see, what I feel.
Before each picture I try to make you feel or see what I see or feel, maybe you will not see the same thing that you neighbour see or feel, each person can interpretate the picture by the way they want, but if you are a good photographer, you will achieve that the people feel what you want they feel looking your pictures.

Remember, never copy other styles, just take ideas and represent them as you like, with personality.

I wish you like this post, you can expres your ideas in the coments.

Here I leave my instagram, where you can see some of my photographs in the highlighted stories.

My regards and a tight hug ;)


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