Whistle(silbato): Object that when blowing by the emits an acute sound.
Cabbages(repollo): type of vegetable.
Rougher(agitado): choppy.
Wheat(trigo): type of cereal.
Were bleeding(sangrando): blood flow.
Torn(agrietado): Which has holes, cracks, grooves.
Wiped(seco): Lacking water.
Wounds(heridas): injury.
Breathing(respiración): respiration.
Forehead(frente): Upper face.
Chest(pecho): rib cage.
Delighted(encantado, contento): fells well, happy.
Attempting(intentando): trying.
Cheek(mejilla): Each of the two prominences that are in the human face under the eyes.
His face lit up(su cara e iluminó): Expression of happiness.
Sewed(cosido): It has been joined with a piece of thread.
Settler(colono): Person who colonizes a territory or who lives in a colony.
Yard(patio): Closed space with walls or galleries, which in houses and other buildings is usually left uncovered.
Gates(puertas): Regularly open on a wall from the ground to a convenient height, to enter and exit through it.
Matron(enfermera jefe): Nurse who leads or oversees the rest.
Seemed(parecia): looks like.
Operating theatre(quirófano): Conveniently conditioned place for surgical operations.
Straightened(estiró): Extend or extend something by pulling its ends.
Greatfull(agradecido): To thank someone.
Kind( amable): Affable, accommodating, affectionate.
Acres(acres): english surface maesurement.
Leave(permiso): License or consent to do something.
Widow(viuda): Woman who has lost her husband.
Arranged(organizado): Previously thought.
Timing(momento): Very short time.
Borrowed(prestado): Leave something precarious.
Overwhelmed(abrumado): To impose on someone excessive activity or effort, to worry seriously, to cause great suffering.
Pillow(almohada): Case stuffed with a soft material, used to recline the head.
Work as a maid(trabajar como una sierva)
Gentle manner(maneras suave): Carefully.
Shallow(superficiales): Frivolous, without foundation.
Gold nuggets(pepitas de oro): Small pieces of gold.
Still(inmovil): That can not be moved.
Traffic jams(atascos): Contraction of cars on the road hindering traffic.
Rush hour(hora punta): Moment of the day in which the traffic is more intense.
Comuters(personas que usan medios de transporte para ir al trabajo): Personas que usan medios de transporte para ir al trabajo.
Pedestrians(Persona que camina en la calle): person walking in the street.
Double-decker(doble piso): double floor.
Pedalling(Pedalear): pedalear.
Commuting(viajar en el transporte al trabajo): to travel in transport to work.
See off(despedirse): say goodbye to someone.
Turn back(volver): return.
Speed up(acelerar): Increase Speed.
Set off(iniciar): start.
Get on/off(subiar bajar de un bus): Outside or inside a bus.
Get away(escapar): escape, to leave.
Take off(despegar): When a plane starts the flight.
Land on(aterrizar): When an airplane touches the ground.
Stop over(Pernoctar): Spend the night out of the usual place.
Come across(cruzar): To cross, for example, a road.
Cabbages(repollo): type of vegetable.
Rougher(agitado): choppy.
Wheat(trigo): type of cereal.
Were bleeding(sangrando): blood flow.
Torn(agrietado): Which has holes, cracks, grooves.
Wiped(seco): Lacking water.
Wounds(heridas): injury.
Breathing(respiración): respiration.
Forehead(frente): Upper face.
Chest(pecho): rib cage.
Delighted(encantado, contento): fells well, happy.
Attempting(intentando): trying.
Cheek(mejilla): Each of the two prominences that are in the human face under the eyes.
His face lit up(su cara e iluminó): Expression of happiness.
Sewed(cosido): It has been joined with a piece of thread.
Settler(colono): Person who colonizes a territory or who lives in a colony.
Yard(patio): Closed space with walls or galleries, which in houses and other buildings is usually left uncovered.
Gates(puertas): Regularly open on a wall from the ground to a convenient height, to enter and exit through it.
Matron(enfermera jefe): Nurse who leads or oversees the rest.
Seemed(parecia): looks like.
Operating theatre(quirófano): Conveniently conditioned place for surgical operations.
Straightened(estiró): Extend or extend something by pulling its ends.
Greatfull(agradecido): To thank someone.
Kind( amable): Affable, accommodating, affectionate.
Acres(acres): english surface maesurement.
Leave(permiso): License or consent to do something.
Widow(viuda): Woman who has lost her husband.
Arranged(organizado): Previously thought.
Timing(momento): Very short time.
Borrowed(prestado): Leave something precarious.
Overwhelmed(abrumado): To impose on someone excessive activity or effort, to worry seriously, to cause great suffering.
Pillow(almohada): Case stuffed with a soft material, used to recline the head.
Work as a maid(trabajar como una sierva)
Gentle manner(maneras suave): Carefully.
Shallow(superficiales): Frivolous, without foundation.
Gold nuggets(pepitas de oro): Small pieces of gold.
Still(inmovil): That can not be moved.
Traffic jams(atascos): Contraction of cars on the road hindering traffic.
Rush hour(hora punta): Moment of the day in which the traffic is more intense.
Comuters(personas que usan medios de transporte para ir al trabajo): Personas que usan medios de transporte para ir al trabajo.
Pedestrians(Persona que camina en la calle): person walking in the street.
Double-decker(doble piso): double floor.
Pedalling(Pedalear): pedalear.
Commuting(viajar en el transporte al trabajo): to travel in transport to work.
See off(despedirse): say goodbye to someone.
Turn back(volver): return.
Speed up(acelerar): Increase Speed.
Set off(iniciar): start.
Get on/off(subiar bajar de un bus): Outside or inside a bus.
Get away(escapar): escape, to leave.
Take off(despegar): When a plane starts the flight.
Land on(aterrizar): When an airplane touches the ground.
Stop over(Pernoctar): Spend the night out of the usual place.
Come across(cruzar): To cross, for example, a road.
I know, these are all the words I didn't understand when I read the book😅