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Punish(Castigar): penalty for doing somithing wrong.
Quill(pluma): object formerly used to write, You have to put in ink.
Stove(brasero): Object used as a heat source.
``Colleja´´: slap on the back of your neck.
Enforce(reforzar): do something stronger.
Entirely(completamente): totaly.
Delivery(entrega): act of delivering.
Parcel(Paquete): box with your shopping.
Bleach(lejia): cleaning product.
Fasten(abrochar): close or adjust something.
Put on weight(Subir de peso): fatten
Lose weight(adelazar): slim down
Despide(a pesar de): although
Proud(orgulloso): like yourself
Appear(aparecer): perform a speak where you are seen by a lot of people.
Succes(exito): Glory, triumph.
Succesful(exitoso): that has success.
Succeed(tener exitoso): be succesful.
Claim(reclamación): say somethinq is true although you might not be able to prove it.
Promote(promover): tell about a service or product to do it popular.
Recomend(recomendar): say something good or useful.
Convince(convencer): succeed in making somebody belive something.
Appeal(apariencia): outer appearance
Slogan: a catchphrase as small group of words that are combined in a special way to identify a productor company.
Piggy bank(hucha): Object to save your savings.
Short-sighted(miope): Person who doesn´t see closely.
Pumped(´´mazado``): mighty, very strong.


Unlike(al contrario que...): dissimilar or different of each other.
Looking forward to...(No puede esperar a...): Can´t wait to...
Flipped teacher(profesor "volteado"): teachers that use new ways to educated.
Have a look(echar un vistazo): look over.
Gotta go(me tengo que ir): have to go.
Yummy!: tasty!/delicius!
Terraced home(fila de hogares): Set of houses arranged in a row attached.

Abbreviations / Acronym.

AKA: also know as(Tambien conocido como).
IDK: I know right(lo sé).
IDK: I don´t know(no lo se).
IDC.: I don´t care(no me importa).
ASAP: as soon as possible(lo mas pronto posible).
AFK: away from keyboard, metaphor of: I am absent(ausente).


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