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Interview Jessi

Jessica is our American teacher that helps us in speaking. She has been two years in our high school.

·        Where were you born?
I was born in Berkeley, in California. In USA.

·        Do you like travelling?

I love travelling. It´s one of my favourite ``poster´´

·        What places have you visited?
I have visited Spain, Portugal, France, Canada, Germany, Mexico, Sweeden, England, Wales, Ireland, North Ireland and Norway…I think that’s it.
·        And now, you live in Salamanca. How long have you been  here?
      I have been living here for a year and three month.
·        What´s your favourite monument in Salamanca?
My favourite is the Tower of the Ieronimus. That´s my favourite place to be.
  -Ohhh!!! It’s so beautiful.

·        Apart from travelling, what do you like to do in your free time?
I really love sleeping and reading. But I also love listening to music.

·        What type of books do you like to read?
I love reading classic books, for example books like Jane Eyre,anything by JaneAusten. Books like that are amazing.

·        How many hours do you read in a day?
On a day…maybe an hour every day.

·        Also you said that you like music, what kind of music do you listen?
I love electronic music, fl¡alk music and I really like classic music. And         I listen a little bit of country music.

·        Do you play any instrument?
I used to play the violin
·        Since when?
Since I was 9 and I stopped when I was 12. So I was playing the violin for three years.

·        Do you like Spanish music?
There are some songs that I like. I do enjoy Spanish music.

·        But do you prefer English music?
Yes, I do.

·        According to your opinion, what are the main differences between English and Spanish people?
  Well, I think Americans are very liberal. And also Americans thinks that they can do everything. They don’t have any limits, and Spanish people are more responsible.

   Thank you Jessica! For giving us your time.
    Thank you.


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