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What can I do that I couldn't do before?  For example I can now read better than before product instructions or descriptions / menus of PC programs. What did I like most? What I like most have been the "interpretation" classes. What are my greatest strengths and weaknesses? I believe that what is best for me is grammar, and what I need to study more is in vocabulary and translation. What did I do well? I think what I have done the best this quarter is the blog. What am I confused about? I think the most confusing for me is vocabulary and grammatical structu res. What do I need help with? I think that more than help is my work to study, because I understand everything but the problem is mine that I forget. What did I do in English outside the class? Outside of classes I use English to communicate with people online through games or understand guides and instructions, etc . What do I need to improve? More personal work. What did I learn about culture...


Here is my gift, `` bundle with English theme filling a glass of water'' I hope you love them😉

Justin Timberlake-Can´t stop the feeling, 4º ESO bilingual group

Finally the video of the lip dub `` can't stop the feeling - Justin Timberlake'' made by the group of 4º ESO bilingual section. Thank you all for participating in this project, I was delighted to be the one to edit this video¡ Enjoy it¡¡ :)

What´s a good friend for me?

For me, a good friend is someone sympathetic , that understand you , also, someone that si loyal to you, somebody you can trust or rely on.


Vocabulary Punish(Castigar): penalty for doing somithing wrong. Quill(pluma):  object formerly used to write, You have to put in ink. Stove(brasero):  Object used as a heat source. ``Colleja´´: slap on the back of your neck. Enforce (reforzar): do something stronger. Entirely(completamente): totaly. Delivery(entrega): act of delivering. Parcel(Paquete): box with your shopping. Bleach(lejia):  cleaning product. Fasten(abrochar):  close or adjust something. Put on weight(Subir de peso): fatten Lose weight(adelazar): slim down Despide(a pesar de):  although Proud(orgulloso): like yourself Appear(aparecer): perform a speak where you are seen by a lot of people. Succes(exito):  Glory, triumph. Succesful(exitoso):  that has success. Succeed(tener exitoso): be succesful. Claim(reclamación): say somethinq is true although you might not be able to prove it. Promote(promover): tell about a service or product to do it popular. Recomend(r...

New beginning

The new year is here, and the cycle began again that we followed for four years in high school, each more difficult than the last. Dont be afraid of this, if we take a look back at first of  ESO  it looks like a whole big world and gradually we got it. Much encouragement for this course, the last course of High School.

Glossary unit 5: a life of crime

CRIMINALS AND CRIME FISHTERS: armed robber: atraco con arma burglar: robo en una casa detective: detective fraudster: fraude judge: juez lawyer: abogado mugger: atracador murderer: asesino pólice officer: policía private investigator: investigador privado thief: ladron traffic warden: guardia de trafico CRIMES: arson: piromanía blackmail: chantaje credit-card fraud: fraude de tarjetas de crédito drug-dealing: trafico de drogas forgery: falsificacion identity theft: robo de identidad kidnapping: secuestro mugging: robo con violencia pickpocketing: carterista shoplifting: robo en tiendas smuggling: contrabando speeding: superar el limite de velocidad vandalism: vandalismo EXTRA VOCABULARY: arrest: arrestar black market: el mercado negro case: caso evidence: evidencia, prueba interview: entrevista suspicious: sospechoso trap: atrapar business owner:  hombre de negocios ecologist: ecologista household: famil...

Glossary unit 4: communication

ADJETIVES: FEELINGS Amusing: divertido/a Annoying: molesto/a Confusing: confuso/a Embarrasing: embarazoso/a Fascinating: fascinante Frightening: espantoso/a Inspiring: inspirador/a Irritating: irritante Motivating: motivador/a Relaxing: relajante Upsetting: triste Worrying: preocupado,a EXTRA VOCABULARY Burst out laughing: echarse a reír Gap: hueco, espacio Gesture: gesto, expresión Misunderstanding: malentendido,a Nod your head: asentir con la cabeza Shake your head: negar con la cabeza VERBS: TECHNOLOGY Browse: echar un vistazo Charge: cargar Plug in: conectar, enchufar   Press: apretar, pulsar Scroll: deslizar (hacia arriba o abajo) Stream: transmitir Swipe: deslizar Switch off: apagar Switch on: encender Tap: tocar suavemente y en un breve periodo de tiempo Text: enviar mensajes de texto Unplug: desenchufar, desconec...

Glossary unit 3: choices, choices

MONEY AND SHOPPING Afford: permitir Bargain: chollo Be worth: compensar Borrow: pedir prestado Brand: marca Cost: coste Discount: descuento Lend: prestar Sale: rebajas Save up: ahorrar Shop online: comprar online Waste: malgastar PHRASAL VERBS AND NOUNS: FREE-TIME ACTIVITIES Archery: tiro con arco Athletics: atletismo Catch up: alcanzar Join in: unir/se a kayaking: piragüismo Miss out: perderse algo Pick up: recoger Rock climbing: escalada Take up:retomar Trail biking: trial Try out: probar Wakeboarding: esquí acuático EXTRA VOCABULARY Customer: cliente Deparment store: almacén Fraction: fracción Gloves: guantes Half-price: a mitad de precio Shop owner: dueño de la tienda Souvenir: recuerdo Sports gear: equipación deportiva EXTRA VOCABULARY delicious: delicioso/a Mild: suave Nutritious: nutritivo/a Sour: amargo/a Spicy: picante Sweet: dulce WORD BUILDER ...