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Showing posts from December, 2015

Interview Jessi

Jessica is our American teacher that helps us in speaking. She has been two years in our high school. ·         Where were you born? I was born in Berkeley , in California . In USA . ·         Do you like travelling? I love travelling. It´s one of my favourite ``poster´´ ·         What places have you visited? I have visited Spain , Portugal , France , Canada , Germany , Mexico , Sweeden , England , Wales , Ireland , North Ireland and Norway …I think that’s it.    ·         And now, you live in Salamanca . How long have you been  here?        I have been living here for a year and three month.     ·         What´s your favourite monument in Salamanca ? My favourite is the Tower of the Ieronimus. That´s my favourite place to be...

Glossary Unit 1

  1.1    Adjetives behaviour: Acceptable: aceptable Badly-behaved: mal comportamiento Common: común Compulsory: Obligatorio Direct: directo Dishonest: deshonesto Easy-going: fácil de hacer Fair: juro Familiar: familiar Honest: honesto Indirect: indirecto Rare: raro Strict: estricto Unacceptable: inaceptable Unfair: injusto Unfamiliar: desconocido Voluntary: voluntario Well-behaved: buen comportamiento         1.2 Adjetives personal qualities: active: activo adventurous: aventurero ambitious: ambicioso artistic: artístico confident: de confianza creative: creativo curious: curioso hard-working: trabajador logical:  lógico mathematical: matemático organized: organizado sociable: sociable     Extra vocabulary Feel at home: sentirse en casa Feel homesick: nostalgia Miss: hechar de menos Settle into:        Express it! ...

Glossary Unit 2

2.1.Adjectives opinions Disappointing: decepcionante Dramatic: dramático Dull: aburrido Enjoyable: disfrutable Entertaining: entretenido Hilarious: divertido Informative: informativo Original: original Predictable: predecible Realistic: realista Spectacular: espectacular Terrifying: terrorifico 2.2 Books and films Award: premio Beginning: comienzo Bestseller: mas vendido Critic: critico Ending: final Film director: director de pelicula Hit: exito Main character: personaje principal Novelist: novelista Plot: argumento Review: opinión Setting: escenario    Extra vocabulary Audience: audiencia Box office: taquilla Income: ingresos Publicity: publicidad Special effects: efectos especiales Talented: talento    Express it! just in time: justo a tiempo      Learn it! character: personaje     2.3 Extra vocabulary: Ghost: fantasma Gift: regalo Joke: broma Tale: cuento Live: vida Performer: artis...