Wire(cable): Set of copper wires that serves as conductor with an insulating plunger.
Wireless(sin conexion por cable): Connection between devices with no wire.
Innovate(inovar): something that introduce on uses new ideas.
Energy-saving(ahorro de energía): something taht reduce the use of electricity.
Alternative(alternativo): something that is different from the usual or tradicional way.
Adaptable(adaptable): something that is able to change for new situation.
Sustainable(sostenible): something that use energy in a way that doesn´t damage the enviroment.
high-tech(alta tecnologia): something that use the most modern methods and machines.
Purse(cartera/billetera): Object where you can save your money and documentation.
Warehouse(almacen): Place where to store products or objects.
To sting(picar): Insect bite.
Beavers(castor): Beavers are a genus of semi-aquatic rodents native to North America and Eurasia that are characterized by their broad, scaly tails.
Dams(presas): Structure built in the channel of a river or other body of water that has as object to embalm or to derive the water
Cabbages(repollo): type of vegetable.
Slope(cuesta): terrain with incline.
Cliff(precipio): Sudden or violent fall.
Narrow(delgado): thin.
Drop(caer algo): Something has fallen but you haven´t heard.
Manners(modales): External actions of each person with which it is noticed and singled out among the others, making known their good or bad education.
Shoulder(arcen): Part of the road between the gutter and the white line.
Sewer(alcantarilla): Conduit manufactured to collect the rainwater or residual water and give way.
Butler(mayordomo): The principal servant in charge of the economic government of a house or hacienda.
Court(tribunal): A place for judges to administer justice and to issue judgments.
Ring(anillo): Small metal circumference
Knitting(tejer):Interlace yarns to form fabrics.
Guilty(culpable):Who is to blame for something.
Nappies(pañal):Cloth on which the children were wrapped.
Laundry maid(ropa sucia):Unwashed clothes with spots.
Mud(barro):Mixture of water and soil.
Houskeeper(ama de llaves):Person who holds the keys to a house.
Dye(tinte):Action or effect of dyeing.
Starch(almidón):Carbohydrate is the main energy reserve of almost all plants and has food and industrial uses.
Tub(Balde): Container of shape and size resembling a bucket.
Mangle(rodillo):Cylinder used to flatten a surface.
Dragged(arrastrar):Take someone or something on the ground by pulling it.
Buns(magdalenas):small muffin.
Icing(glaseado):In confectionery, cover with sugar.
Mouths watered(boca heha agua):Expression, to be hungry.
Grabbed(atrapar):Catch something or someone who runs away from you.
Overcrowded(abarrotado):full of people.
Hemp(cáñamo):Plant of the family of cannabáceas.
Beat(golpear):To hit someone or something.
Logs(tronco):Strong and solid stalk of trees and shrubs.
Court official(Oficina de tribunal):Office where a court resides or works.
Straw(paja):Wheat, barley, rye and other grasses, after drying and separated from the grain..
Scar(cicatriz):Mark of a wound that has already healed.
Relief(alivio):respite, rest.
Deck(cubierta):Top of a boat.
Drown(ahogarse):Die from lack of oxygen under water.
Qualified(cualificado):With the necessary knowledge to carry out an action or profession.
Surgeon(cirujano):Person whose profession is surgery.
Bad temper(mal caracter): Person who is negative, annoying, etc.
Bruises(cardenal):Mark caused by a hit.
Tore open(abrió):Open action in the past.
Pardons(indulto):Forgive someone their crimes.
Aching muscles(dolores musculares): Pain in the muscles.
Sore back(dolor de espalda): Pain in the back.
Stiff neck(contracturas en el cuello): Contractures in the neck.
Swollen ankles(tobillo inflado): Inflamed ankle.
Lift(levantar/ascensor): raise.
To avoid(evitar): avert, ward off.
Dislocated shoulder(hombro dislocado): The joint of the shoulder leaves its usual place.
Broken legs(romperse una pierna): Break the leg bones.
Sprained wrist(Esguince de muñeca): the wrist is not in its usual place.
Bruised knees(golpes en las rodillas/moratones): Marks of blows on the knees.
Itchy skin(picor de piel): skin irritation.
Allergic reactions(reacción alérgica): Negative reaction to any substance.´
Calm down(calmate): became or make somebody quieter or more relax.
Cheer up(alegrarse): became or make somebody happier.
Chill out(relajarse): relax completely.
Cut down(reducir): reduce the amount you take or use something.
Face up to(hacer frente a): acept that a difficult situation exist.
Open up(abrir tu mente): to talk about how you feel.
Slow down(mas despacio): Start to do something less fast.
Work out(hacer ejercicio): do exercise to be fit.
Wireless(sin conexion por cable): Connection between devices with no wire.
Innovate(inovar): something that introduce on uses new ideas.
Energy-saving(ahorro de energía): something taht reduce the use of electricity.
Alternative(alternativo): something that is different from the usual or tradicional way.
Adaptable(adaptable): something that is able to change for new situation.
Sustainable(sostenible): something that use energy in a way that doesn´t damage the enviroment.
high-tech(alta tecnologia): something that use the most modern methods and machines.
Purse(cartera/billetera): Object where you can save your money and documentation.
Warehouse(almacen): Place where to store products or objects.
To sting(picar): Insect bite.
Beavers(castor): Beavers are a genus of semi-aquatic rodents native to North America and Eurasia that are characterized by their broad, scaly tails.
Dams(presas): Structure built in the channel of a river or other body of water that has as object to embalm or to derive the water
Cabbages(repollo): type of vegetable.
Slope(cuesta): terrain with incline.
Cliff(precipio): Sudden or violent fall.
Narrow(delgado): thin.
Drop(caer algo): Something has fallen but you haven´t heard.
Manners(modales): External actions of each person with which it is noticed and singled out among the others, making known their good or bad education.
Shoulder(arcen): Part of the road between the gutter and the white line.
Sewer(alcantarilla): Conduit manufactured to collect the rainwater or residual water and give way.
Butler(mayordomo): The principal servant in charge of the economic government of a house or hacienda.
Court(tribunal): A place for judges to administer justice and to issue judgments.
Ring(anillo): Small metal circumference
Knitting(tejer):Interlace yarns to form fabrics.
Guilty(culpable):Who is to blame for something.
Nappies(pañal):Cloth on which the children were wrapped.
Laundry maid(ropa sucia):Unwashed clothes with spots.
Mud(barro):Mixture of water and soil.
Houskeeper(ama de llaves):Person who holds the keys to a house.
Dye(tinte):Action or effect of dyeing.
Starch(almidón):Carbohydrate is the main energy reserve of almost all plants and has food and industrial uses.
Tub(Balde): Container of shape and size resembling a bucket.
Mangle(rodillo):Cylinder used to flatten a surface.
Dragged(arrastrar):Take someone or something on the ground by pulling it.
Buns(magdalenas):small muffin.
Icing(glaseado):In confectionery, cover with sugar.
Mouths watered(boca heha agua):Expression, to be hungry.
Grabbed(atrapar):Catch something or someone who runs away from you.
Overcrowded(abarrotado):full of people.
Hemp(cáñamo):Plant of the family of cannabáceas.
Beat(golpear):To hit someone or something.
Logs(tronco):Strong and solid stalk of trees and shrubs.
Court official(Oficina de tribunal):Office where a court resides or works.
Straw(paja):Wheat, barley, rye and other grasses, after drying and separated from the grain..
Scar(cicatriz):Mark of a wound that has already healed.
Relief(alivio):respite, rest.
Deck(cubierta):Top of a boat.
Drown(ahogarse):Die from lack of oxygen under water.
Qualified(cualificado):With the necessary knowledge to carry out an action or profession.
Surgeon(cirujano):Person whose profession is surgery.
Bad temper(mal caracter): Person who is negative, annoying, etc.
Bruises(cardenal):Mark caused by a hit.
Tore open(abrió):Open action in the past.
Pardons(indulto):Forgive someone their crimes.
Aching muscles(dolores musculares): Pain in the muscles.
Sore back(dolor de espalda): Pain in the back.
Stiff neck(contracturas en el cuello): Contractures in the neck.
Swollen ankles(tobillo inflado): Inflamed ankle.
Lift(levantar/ascensor): raise.
To avoid(evitar): avert, ward off.
Dislocated shoulder(hombro dislocado): The joint of the shoulder leaves its usual place.
Broken legs(romperse una pierna): Break the leg bones.
Sprained wrist(Esguince de muñeca): the wrist is not in its usual place.
Bruised knees(golpes en las rodillas/moratones): Marks of blows on the knees.
Itchy skin(picor de piel): skin irritation.
Allergic reactions(reacción alérgica): Negative reaction to any substance.´
Calm down(calmate): became or make somebody quieter or more relax.
Cheer up(alegrarse): became or make somebody happier.
Chill out(relajarse): relax completely.
Cut down(reducir): reduce the amount you take or use something.
Face up to(hacer frente a): acept that a difficult situation exist.
Open up(abrir tu mente): to talk about how you feel.
Slow down(mas despacio): Start to do something less fast.
Work out(hacer ejercicio): do exercise to be fit.
Access(acceso): permission to enter.
Bookmark(marcador): save as a favourite(website) or placehold within document.
Comment(comentar): remark, annotation.
Edit(editar, revisar, cambiar): review or change(talking about a website).
Host(anfitrión): person who is in charge of something.
Launch(Lanzar, subir, crear):send into the net.
Log on/off(conectarse, entrar/salir):join or exit a webpage.
Register(registrarse):sing up.
Respond(contestra): answer, reply.
Transfer(transferir): move something from place to place.
Upload(subir, cargar): Upload something to the network.
Appreciation(reconocimiento): gratitude, thanks.
Consideration(consideración):Action or effect of considering.
Diplomacy(diplomacia): Branch of politics that is dedicated to the study of international relations.
Etiquette(etiqueta): Ceremonial of the styles, uses and customs that should be kept in solemn public acts.
Interaction(interacción): Action that is exerted between two or more objects, people, etc.
Politeness(cortesía): Act that manifests the attention, respect or affection that someone has to another person.
Rank(rango): Category of a person with respect to his professional or social situation.
Rudeness(grosería): Discorporation, lack of attention and respect.
Tradition(tradición): Doctrine, custom, etc., preserved in a village by transmission from parents to children.
Face-to-face(cara a cara): in person.
Global: worldwide.
Multiple(múltiple): more than one.
Virtual: Real and effective existence of something.
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